October 29th 2023

Beech tree at the entrance to Dunmore Woods in full autumn colours of yellow, orange and bright brown.RACE NIGHT IN AID OF MEALS ON WHEELS: In conjunction with Dunmore Community Alert a Race Night in aid of Meals on Wheels will be held in The Castle Arms Hotel on Friday, November 24th 2023 at 9pm. Best Dressed Lady (Prize €200, sponsored by Cllr. Ollie Clooney) and lots of other Prizes on the Night! €20 per horse with TOTE on site. Contact Damien (085) 1745996 or Shane (086) 1054178 for further information. Please support this local voluntary service.

LAUNCH OF DURROW SEC: The launch of the Durrow Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) Energy Master Plan will take place on Saturday 4th November next from 10am to 12pm in The Castle Arms Hotel, Durrow. What’s the Durrow SEC? Durrow SEC is a community group set up in 2021. We are local volunteers With an interest in the topic of sustainability in our local community. What’s an Energy Master Plan? It’s a document that enables Durrow to understand its current and future energy needs in order for us to make informed decisions and prioritise actions. Can you put that in English please? It provides information on ways we can save money on energy such as attic insulation, heat pump/heating controls, solar PV, pumping cavity walls, dry lining walls, improving windows and doors, and improving ventilation/airtightness. What’s happening on Saturday the 4th of November in the Castle Arms Hotel? It’s our official SEC launch! Climate 23, our energy partners, will be there to present the EMP, while Laois County Council will discuss available grants. We’re also expecting several small business owners in the energy sector to showcase their offerings and answer any questions. All are most welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.

REGISTER FOR ‘WINTER WELLNESS’ – A Free 4-Week Online Cooking Demonstration And Exercise Programme for Adults in Laois. What does the ‘Winter Wellness’ programme include? * 1 x 40-minute live online cooking demonstration per week with our registered associate nutritionist Ruth – Wednesdays at 8pm; * Access to 8 live online exercise classes per week. Please see the class timetable in the poster; * An on-demand library of exercise videos and nutrition recipes, as well as recorded cooking demonstration videos.
This ‘Winter Wellness’ programme is designed and delivered by EduFit in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership and funded by Laois Sports Partnership and the HSE. To sign up visit: https://edufit.ie/winter-wellness-sign-up online. If you have any questions, please contact us by email on programmes@edufit.ie or on WhatsApp: 083 374 8262 (Ruth)

SHINE A LIGHT 2023 – THIRD LAOIS DURROW SCOUTS: Will be sleeping out on Friday 17th November to raise money for FOCUS Ireland! We need your support through scout sponsorship or donations. Please support us on the night!

CULLOHILL FOROIGE CLUB: Come along to Foróige Cullohill information night to learn more and to register on Friday, 6th November 2023 at 7pm in Cullohill Community Centre. To express your interest, fill in this one minute survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/33JWG9Q online.

DURROW TIDY TOWNS NEWS – Take a little piece of Durrow home with you, or buy the perfect gift for that someone special! Durrow 2024 Calendar now available featuring photographs of our beautiful Georgian village, all in support of Durrow Tidy Towns. Can also be purchased locally in shops and businesses in Durrow and will be on sale at the Saturday Market in the CES office. The calendar can also be purchased directly from any of our committee which includes Fred Townsend, Mary Thornton, Tom or Kathleen Flynn, Fiona Jacob, Kathleen Doyle, Rita Casey or Emer O’Brien. You can also message our Tidy Towns page on Facebook. Many thanks to everyone for their ongoing support of Durrow Tidy Towns.
WINTER PLANTING: Winter weeding and planting will take place in the coming weeks, please keep an eye out on social media and if you can assist us, it would be great.

DURROW CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR 2023: Durrow Craft Fair 2023 will be held in the Castle Arms Hotel, Durrow on Saturday November 18th from 11am to 5.30pm. People from far and wide will present their unique Christmas gifts at affordable prices. Admission is Free! For more information contact Mary on (087) 2200199 or durrowcraftfairs@gmail.com by email.

CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE NEWS: Currently committee members are visiting local households looking for support / donation as in the past. Having recently completed an extension giving additional storage and ‘Youth Space’, as well as ongoing running costs, finances are always a challenge so all support is greatly appreciated. The Centre has become increasingly busy with the following the main activities / offerings: * Squash; * Handball; * Auction; * Indoor Soccer; * Youth Club; * Study Hub; * Pilates; * Wellness; * Membership; * Cards-25’s/Bridge; * Hip Hop Dancing; * Irish Dancing; * Martial Arts; * Flower Club; * Comhaltas; * Choice of meeting rooms also available on request.

CULLOHILL AND DURROW FLOWER CLUB GALA 2023: Themed “All is calm, all is bright” by floral artist Melanie Harris will take place in The Castle Arms Hotel at 8pm on Monday December 11th 2023. Admission €15 in aid of ‘As I Am’ – the National Autism Charity and The Cuisle Cancer Support Centre. Mulled Wine and Mince Pies Served. All who attend will be in with a chance to win our Door Prize on the night. All floral arrangements will be raffled.

SET DANCING CLASSES: Set Dancing classes have resumed in The Wheel Inn Ballyouskill on Thursdays at 9pm – all are most welcome to join. Contact Paddy at (085) 8607256 or Francis at (085) 7157694 for more details. An enjoyable way to socialise and dispel the winter evening blues while helping to keep fit.
SUNDAY NIGHT DANCING: Dancing in The Wheel Inn on Sunday nights to Checkers.

LAOIS COUNTY JOINT POLICING COMMITTEES: A Public Meeting of Laois County Joint Policing Committee will be held in the Council Chambers, Laois County Council Hall, JFL Avenue, Portlaoise on Monday, 20th November 2023 at 3.30pm. The function of a Joint Policing Committee is to serve as a forum for consultations, discussions and recommendations on matters affecting the policing of the local authority administrative area. Members of the public have the right to make their views known and submit questions to the Joint Policing Committee.Questions will be accepted by the Joint Policing Committee from any individual member of the public, or collectively from any group/organisation.
Questions in relation to the above, or any other relevant topic, should be submitted in advance in writing to Ms. Anne Marie Kirrane, Administrative Officer, Community Department, Laois County Council, Áras an Chontae, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, by email to dce@laoiscoco.ie or by phone at Tel. (057) 8664060, no later than 4.30pm on Wednesday, 8th November, 2023.

CPA – THE CREATIVE PERFORMANCE ACADEMY: New classes will be held on Mondays from 6pm to 7pm in the Ballyroan Community Hall, commencing with a FREE open day for new students aged 6 to 12 years on November 6th 2023. Booking is essential via email to info@thecpa.ie or phone (085) 7315556.

COVID AND FLU INJECTIONS: These are now available from the health Centres in Rathdowney and Durrow for all vulnerable patients or those aged over 65.

DURROW BRIDGE CLUB: Club meetings continue on Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the Castle Arms Hotel. All are most welcome.

PILATES IN CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE: Pilates will be back in Cullohill Community Centre from 7pm to 8pm on Wednesday 25th October 2023. All are most welcome.

LAOIS COUNTY COUNCIL – Charges at Kyletalesha Recycling Centre – Please note the following charges took effect from the 18th of September; Car – €5; Van or Jeep –  €10; Single Axle Trailer – €10; Double Axle Trailer – €15; Large Van – €15; Large Van and Trailer €25.

CULLOHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE – PROGRESSIVE 25 CARD GAME: Progressive 25 Card Game continues every Sunday night in Cullohill Community Centre at 8pm and all are most welcome. Winners on Sunday 22nd October 2023 were: Joint First – Sean and Anna Burke, Seamus Brennan and Martin Mahony, John Mooney and Jim Walsh. . The Raffle Winners on the night were: Tommy Whyte and Sean Burke.

BALLYOUSKILL 25s CARDS GAME – Ballyouskill 25s Cards continues in Ballyouskill Community Hall on the last Friday of the month at 8pm. Usual prizes and a raffle on the night. All are most welcome to our next game on Friday, November 24th.

OUR LADY’S MEADOW PRIMARY SCHOOL: As you may or may not be aware, Our Lady’s Meadow will celebrate its 40th Anniversary later this year. As part of the celebrations we are looking for people’s stories and memories of their time there. We will be asking the schoolchildren to share their own stories, however we are sure many of you have attended yourselves and can help out also. It could be a funny incident, a happy memory, a teacher you will always remember and why, a classmate who was there for you- anything at all. Photographs would also be appreciated if you are willing to share! We would love to hear from you. Please send your story directly to the school or to olm40years@gmail.com by email.

DURROW AND DISTRICT PIPE BAND: We’re always looking for new members, so why not come along to a practice? Get in touch with our Facebook page if you’re interested in learning the pipes or drums, all levels catered for. See https://www.facebook.com/DurrowPipeBand or search Facebook for “Durrow & District Pipe Band” to find us online.

THIRD LAOIS DURROW SCOUTS – Our Beaver and Cub Scout sections are currently at capacity for leader Ratios. If you are considering volunteering, love the outdoors and learning new skills then please consider joining the scout group. Email gldurrow@gmail.com with any questions or to put your name forward.
Scouts Section: Are you 12-15 years old? Do you like: * adventure; * the outdoors; * making new friends? If so, our Scout group could be for you! We currently have limited spaces in our Scout section. For more information please contact gldurrow@gmail.com by email.

DOG WALKERS! A reminder to clean up after your dog. We have Mutt Mitt dispensers and instructions on how to clean up after your dog, throughout Durrow. Dog fouling is a serious health risk and children can easily not see it and bring indoors on bikes, shoes, buggies and it’s a particular hazard to wheelchair users. If you’d like to become a green dog walker we have information in the Post Office and Library regarding the initiative. Please be responsible and clean up after your pet!

ABBEYLEIX HOUSE & FARM – Save the date. Our Christmas Market and Santa Grotto will take place on Saturday December 9th 2023. Open call for craft stalls & food vendors. Contact alice@abbeyleixhouseandfarm.ie for more information. Tickets will be on sale at a later date.

ABBEYLEIX CHRISTMAS MARKET CALLOUT – A callout to all traders who may be interested in the annual Abbeyleix Christmas Market which will be held on December 2nd, 2023
from 2pm until 7pm at Market Square, Abbeyleix. Crafts, home baking, local businesses, clubs, gifts, antiques, art, pottery, food van, coffee truck, etc… Fee: €30, hot food/bev vendors must supply their own insurance. Email: short description of work to be sold and three images to abbeyleixchristmasmarket@gmail.com by email.

DURROW POST OFFICE: We here at Durrow Post Office do both AIB and Bank of Ireland Lodgements and withdrawals. We provide a quick and professional service for all your personal and business banking. We are here to help you and make banking easier.
AIB CUSTOMERS – You can do * Cash lodgements with bank debit card or lodgement slips; * Cash withdrawals with bank debit card; * Cheque lodgements with a personalised lodgement slip.
BANK OF IRELAND CUSTOMERS – You can do * Cash lodgements with bank debit card or lodgement slips; * Cash withdrawals with bank debit card; * Cheque lodgements with a personalised lodgement slip.

DEFIBRILLATORS IN DURROW: We are lucky to have defibrillators in Durrow – one at the Gala Grocery Store and one at The Community Playground. It is vitally important that if you or anyone you know is unfortunate enough to need to use one, you must inform Susan in the Gala Grocery Store as soon as possible afterwards, as the pads need to be replaced – NOTE: They are single use! The defibrillator needs to be ready for the next person who may need to use it – that person could be you or a loved one! Thanks for your cooperation.

WHIST DRIVE: The Killermogh Whist Drive is held in the Parochial Hall, Cork Road, Durrow. The Next Whist drive is on this Thursday 23rd November at 8pm. All are most welcome.

DURROW LIBRARY NEWS: All our Laois Library branches are open to the public for browsing, PC usage, printing, photocopying and studying, in addition to all the free events taking place throughout the month – see details below. You can browse the Laois Libraries online catalogue here: https://laois.spydus.ie and if needed, borrowers can reset their library PIN in order to access the catalogue – contact your local library or email library@laoiscoco.ie for assistance with this.
ONLINE BOOK CLUB – Laois Libraries Online Book Club reads one book a month chosen from the BorrowBox collection. Join us on the last Wednesday of each month when questions are posed for discussion on our Book Club Facebook page. You can join the group on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/315513126404037 online. New members are always welcome.
OPEN HOURS – Durrow Library Opening hours are Tuesdays from 11am to 7.30pm and Wednesdays from 10am to 5.30pm (closed for lunch from 1.30pm to 2pm). Phone: (057) 8736090 Email: durrowlibrary@laoiscoco.ie for further information.
ADULT ART GROUP – A self-led art group meets weekly every Tuesday at 2:30pm. Call or email the library for more details.
IRISH CIRCLE — The Irish Circle group meets in the library on Tuesdays at 6.10pm. Beidh fáilte róimh cupán tae agus cúpla focail Gaeilge a labhairt no a canadh.
SARAH SPARKLES – Storytime, puppets and fun. Suitable for 0 to 4 year olds. Wednesday November 1st at 10.30am in Durrow Library.

DURROW COMMUNITY SATURDAY MARKET: Durrow Community Market continues on Saturdays from 9am to 12 noon on the Kilkenny Road beside the Church.

LIVE LOCAL WEATHER: Visit www.laoisweather.com for live local weather data from Durrow.

DURROW FIRE AND RESCUE: Do you need a smoke alarm? Or do you know of someone who does, in the Durrow, Cullohill or Ballacolla area? Every home should have a minimum of two of the life saving devices! Durrow Fire & Rescue will provide and install smoke alarms for anyone that needs them, and there is no charge for this service. Simply email info@durrow.ie if you are interested, or if you know of a friend or neighbour that needs to have the devices installed. Please leave a contact number too.
DURROW FIRE AND RESCUE: Members of Durrow Fire Brigade are available to give fire safety talk to any interested adult groups or organisations, in the Durrow, Cullohill and Ballacolla areas. If interested please contact Station Officer David Donohue.

CHURCH NEWS: Parish Office – Regular opening hours have now resumed and are as follows; Wednesdays from 9.30am to 2.00pm; Thursdays from 9.30am to 2pm; and Fridays from 10.00am to 2.00pm. We have signed Mass cards, Baptismal candles, Communion gifts and more available to purchase. All Mass intentions, baptisms and weddings must be booked through the office on [085] 2625033, by email at durrow@ossory.ie or in person. No Private advertising in the weekly Mass Newsletter.

Revised Mass Hours – Effective since 9th September 2023 – Durrow and Rathdowney Parish Mass Times have been revised as follows: Saturday Evening – 6pm Vigil Mass in Rathdowney; 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Cullohill and 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Durrow (This Mass in Durrow only celebrated when Canon O’Doherty is available to celebrate it); Sunday Morning – 10am Mass in Errill; 11.15am Mass in Durrow.

Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 – The 2024 Ossory Diocesan  Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by our Bishop, Most Reverend Niall Coll DD, will take place from Tuesday May 21st to Sunday May 26th inclusive. The organising committee are confident in offering places to pilgrims in need of assistance, youth helpers, support staff and able-bodied pilgrims. The youth section is organised through the head of RE in Secondary Schools and places are limited. Prices have yet to be established but the 2023 cost was €899 PPS.

St Mary’s Cathedral – Restoration Fund Draw 2023/2024 tickets are now available from the Parish Office at a cost of €120 for twelve months. The monthly prizes are
€2000, €1,000, €500, Two X €300, Two X €200 and Three X €100. The draws take place the last Wednesday of each month.

Baptisms in Rathdowney and Durrow – Following the changes to our Mass schedule, baptisms can be booked for Saturdays at 4.30 pm in either Parish and Sundays at 12 Noon in Durrow and Cullohill or 12.15 in Rathdowney and Errill.

Church Cleaners Needed – We are in urgent need of cleaners for Durrow Church. If you could spare one hour a week (6 months a year) please contact Darina or Sr. Anita in the Parish office or on [086] 2625033.

Adoration – There will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Cullohill Church every Thursday morning from 8.50am until 9.50am.

Pastoral Council Members – The members of the Pastoral Council are: Martin Lawlor; Mary Lawlor; James Walsh; Carmel Ruane; Mary Ryan; Vicky Murphy; Margaret Murphy; Seamus Clancy; Sr. Anita O’Leary and Fr. Martin Delaney.

Catholic Youth Ministry Internships – The diocese of Lancaster in England is looking for young people aged around 18 to 25 to join their Youth Ministry Internship scheme, based at Castlerigg Manor in the English Lake District. The scheme lasts for either one or two years and offers comprehensive training and experience as well as recognised qualifications. Participants get free accommodation and food as well as £75 (€85) pocket money each week. If you’re interested, contact Jack Regan onjack@castleriggmanor.co.uk by email.

Durrow-Cullohill Remembrance Mass – Our Annual Mass of Remembrance for those who died during the past year will take place on Saturday 11th November at 7.30pm in Cullohill Church. If you wish to have a candle presented at this Mass in memory of your deceased relative please contact the Parish Office on (085) 2625033 or email durrow@ossory.ie – please let us know who will be there on the night to present the candle. Candles will be supplied by the Parish.

Church Envelopes – Envelopes for October, November and Christmas Collections are now available in the Church. You can return them at Mass times or to the Parish office in Durrow (Wednesdays to Fridays 9.30am to 2pm). If you can help a neighbour by collecting theirs too that would be great. Thank you!

Baptism – We welcome into our Parish Community Amelie Lily Santos who was baptised in our Parish last weekend.

ANAM CARA MIDLANDS: The organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its Monthly Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 8th November at 7:15pm in the Mullingar Park Hotel. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online service. For more info call us on (01) 4045378.

NUMBER FOR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – LAST UPDATED JULY 2023: Please note that our confidential contact helpline number for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Durrow, has been changed to (083) 4056021 as of July 14th 2023.

THE HARPS GAA CLUB NEWS – SPLIT THE BUCKET – A standing order of €8 a month gives one entry a week, €16 a month gives two entries a week and €20 a month gives three entries a week. If you would like to set up a monthly standing order please contact Tom Ryan on (087) 6159226 or Shane Brophy on (087) 2034035. Thanks to everyone who supports our weekly Split the Bucket draw.
U15 FOOTBALL TEAM: Hard luck to our U15 Football team who lost out to Spink-Crettyard in the U15B Football County Final on Saturday 21st October last.

THE HARPS CAMOGIE CLUB: Follow all the latest news from the club at https://www.facebook.com/HarpsCamogie online.
LEINSTER SEMI-FINAL: Best of luck to our Junior Camogie Team who now progress onto the Leinster Championship. They will be playing Cappagh, the Kildare champions. The match is on in Cappagh on Saturday the 4th of November at 1:30pm. All support would be greatly appreciated as this great bunch of girls try to get to a Leinster Final.
CONGRATULATIONS to the Junior Camogie Team who won the County Final against Clough-Ballacolla at Timahoe last Saturday 21st October.

CULLOHILL HANDBALL CLUB: You can contact the club on cullohillhandballclub@yahoo.ie by email.

THE LIONS AFC CLUB: FOR HIRE – Astro Pitch Hire, suitable for 7-a-side soccer social groups, casual bookings and team activities. For all enquiries or to make a booking please contact lionsafc@gmail.com or call (085) 7088511.
GRASSROOTS PROMOTION: Circle K and FAI Grassroots Promotion! Win €30,000 for your Club. To enter the competition, customers must have downloaded the Circle K App and registered for PLAY or PARK, Circle K’s loyalty game. Then you simply select your chosen football club in the FAI portal within the app and upload your Circle K receipt to generate a draw entry for your club. One draw entry will be generated per receipt uploaded. The more entries a club gets, the higher their chances of winning will be. Go Lions Facebook or Instagram pages to see videos on how to enter and we would ask for your support in getting in as many entries as possible over the next couple of months for the Lions AFC, Durrow!
RESULT: Leinster Junior Cup – Birr Town 3 V 1 Lions AFC. Scorer: Cathal Murphy. Hard luck lads.
MATCH REPORT: U15 National Skechers Cup Result: Lions 6 V 0 Kilmacow. Scorers – Sean Dempsey (2), Joey Dempsey, Harry Donohue, Jack Delahunty and Fionn O’Sullivan. A great win recently for our U15s in the National Cup. The Lions travelled to South Kilkenny to take on local outfit Kilmacow. The teams met at the same stage last year with the Lions winning 4-2. The hosts had the pitch in great condition considering the rainfall during the week. The Lions started brightly and forced an early corner. Fionn O’Sullivan delivered a fantastic cross which found Harry Donohue who buried an unstoppable header past the goalie. The Lions pressed for number two but got caught on the break twice, Shane Ruane saved brilliantly on both occasions to keep the Lions ahead. Conor Dempsey, Fionn O’Sullivan and Sean Dempsey twice went close before Joey Dempsey picked the ball up outside the box, he had enough time to pick his spot and bury the ball into the roof of the net. With half time approaching a Conor Dempsey cross from the left wing found Fionn O’Sullivan at the back post who bravely scored taking the full impact of the goalpost for his trouble.
Three nil to the Lions at half time. The Lions started the second half at a blistering pace. A brilliant ball by Joey Dempsey found Alex Sheppard who skipped past two defenders before crossing to Jack Delahunty who expertly side footed the ball into the bottom corner. 4 nil to the Lions. Four became five when Conor Dempsey was fouled in the box. Sean Dempsey stepped up to drive the penalty home. With minutes remaining Sean Dempsey made it six after good work by Edmond Kenny who found him alone just inside the box, a great strike by Sean who found the top corner. Six nil to the Lions at the finish. A big thanks to Kilmacow for their hospitality and best wishes for the Season ahead. Speedy recovery to our Lionhearted Fionn O’Sullivan.

DURROW AND CULLOHILL DISTRICT ANGLERS: JOIN US – The club is always looking for more Juvenile and Senior members to join up. Why not consider it – a great way to get outside to a new hobby! All fishing membership cards can be bought in The Gala Shop Durrow, Lawlors Flower Shop Durrow, and in Fran’s Fishing Shop Mountrath. All day tickets and full membership cards are available. There are court appointed water keepers overseeing the club’s waters and you could be asked for membership. Please ensure all membership and tickets are valid and please adhere to club rules listed on the membership cards. Happy Fishing!

TRIDENT FITNESS CLUB – KETTLEBELL SPORTS AND FITNESS CLASSES: Learn to use kettlebells safely and effectively from one of Ireland’s top ranked and most experienced professional kettlebell sports and fitness instructors with over 10 years of experience in kettlebell sport and fitness. Included in the classes are bodyweight exercises as well as posture correction and strengthening techniques. Together with proper kettlebell instruction you can learn to prevent and remedy a wide range of joint and mobility issues and injuries. Class schedule: Tuesday 6.30pm; Thursday 6.30pm; Saturday 11am. Venue: Durrow Community Hall CYMS. Call David or email for further information. Also available for personal training. Tel: (087) 3833258 or email: tridentfitnessclub@yahoo.ie or borukettlebellclub@yahoo.com for more information.